Our mission is to support human & ecological health by empowering people to steward their bioregions. Healing Ecosystems supports people in reconnecting to our ecological niche and higher purpose through gathering from and tending to the natural world.
The word “healing” comes from the Old English word “haelen”, which means “to make whole”. Humans are meant to be an integral part of ecology. We are defined as a hyper-keystone species, which means, “ [humans] drive complex interaction chains by affecting other keystone actors across different habitats.” (Sciencedirect.com) While many humans use this power to degrade habitat and loot natural resources, traditional peoples have stewarded ecosystems for thousands of years in ways that promote health & biodiversity. As to say, it can be another way. We are designed to serve a crucial ecological niche.
The worldwide health crisis & break down of mental health are a result of many peoples’ disconnection from nature and Creator. Guilt & self-hatred run rampant in this society, because we know our participation in destructive systems leads to the collapse of ecology and compromises the future of our children. Living harmoniously with nature is our birthright, yet we find ourselves born into a culture that covets greed & selfishness above all else.
However, scripture clearly states, “The Earth remains forever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4). This is echoed by other spiritual texts like the Tao Te Ching, which states, “Heaven and Earth last forever” (Chapter 7). But many believe that the Earth would do just fine without humans and perhaps be better off. I wholeheartedly disagree, knowing that we are not created by accident. Psalms 37:11 states, “the meek will possess the Earth and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” Meekness refers to the qualities of quietness, gentleness and submission to the higher power. This type of person stands in stark contrast to the current “leaders” of this world. Lastly, we are told in Revelation 11:18, “[God will] bring ruin to those ruining the Earth.” I do not believe these writings are metaphor; they are prophecy. Earth is designed to be a paradise. The proof is all around us in the profound beauty that persists in the simple complexities of nature. The fractures of modern life are mended as we appreciate this beauty & offer praise.
We can aid the healing of ecosystems, making them whole again, by participating in this ecological system that sustains our existence.
Meeting cordyceps mushrooms (Cordyceps militaris) in the forests of Asheville, NC.
Healing Ecosystems was born from my love for nature through the avenues of foraging, organic gardening & permaculture. I spent years studying and practicing humanistic psychology & finished a masters in somatic counseling.
During that program, I followed a calling to connect more deeply with Earth. My first experience gardening was spending a month work-trading at an organic farm in New Jersey. This experience changed my life, inspiring me to beginning growing and foraging my own food.
Through working with gardening mentors, native plant experts and taking in vast amounts of foraging knowledge, I began to develop a skillset that I noticed was overall lacking in many communities in the Bay Area.
I began teaching permaculture workshops through the Gill Tract Community Farm in Berkeley, CA & stewarding a young food forest there. I also spent many years running a landscaping business & various gardening projects. It was truly transformative to revisit the food forest in early 2023 to see how it had matured. Native oaks and willows I had planted years before had put on huge amounts of growth and hosted various birds. Understory fruit trees grown from seed were on the verge of first flowerings and native grasses sprawled alongside food-bearing perennial vegetables and bushes. There’s nothing like seeing an ecosystem you helped plant support so much life, especially right next to a busy city intersection.
In the past several years, I am grateful to have taught hundreds of students about permaculture & foraging. With the rise of online classes since 2020, I have been able to connect with students from around the world in creating community around foraging, ecotherapy & permaculture.
Lastly and maybe most importantly, I have found peace through connecting with this abundant creation. I spent years studying counseling and undergoing countless hours of personal therapy. Ultimately, I have found that nature provides the most effective therapy out there, and I want to give more people inspiration & purpose in connecting with the Earth. Through this connection we can leave a healthy footprint on this planet which so desperately needs our attention. I hope you experience some ecotherapy in your day.
With abundant gratitude,
Bryan W. Bramlett, founder of Healing Ecosystems